Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Randoms 1 - Conversations

These are random funny things I have said in conversations. I have a big job tracking them all down, so it will be on hold to add more here until after the ACCG is done. For now, not in any particular order
Hey are you there? # 1
I could say anything right now... like
~ my toes are deformed little nubs of coal.
~ The camel's back hump just deflated, must have been thirsty.
~ arachnids ate my pubic hair.
~ slippers are really meant to be used as oven mitts.
~ Hey lets get down to the beach, for some clam fishing next summer.
~ I lost my amoeba the other day, until it swam over on a surf board.
~ my back and knees ache, like tomorrow's business!
~ Boys are here to help, just as much as we are.
~ Running a marathon to the racer, is like enjoying chocolate to the indulger.
~ I'm running out of here to see if my feary wings can actually fly right.
Gotta Fly # 1
~ For now, I must fly like the bat I am... Up... up... up... to the belfry... to perch until I snore (instead of forever more... lol).
Chat later... la la lalalalalala lala la ..
Flappity flappity flap
This bat is not up for a nap.
~ Her wings fold in, her wings flow out
  To sing, and dance, and even shout!
  Darkness is not to be despaired,
  When the inner light/ beauty within,
 shines much better... than flaming hair!