Saturday, February 5, 2011

Theory - Daily Colours


    I have been doing this for a VERY LONG time, and over the years many have been curious and asked questions.
Here's my answers to the most asked:

The WHYs?
~ Why do it?

   To enhance my day
   It's according to candle burning. When you burn the candle colour of the day, it is   supposed to enhance/ help to make your day better.
~ Why each day has a colour designated.
   To keep track of which day in the week!
  I just incorporated it into my the clothes that I wear each day instead - saves huge on the cost of candles. 
~ Which colour for which day & Why?
    Here's where it gets tricky.
It wasn't always easy to remember, until I came up with a way of explaining why:
Monday: White
White, like a virgin. This starts the week.
Tuesday: Red
Red, for Love. You LOVE the fact that Monday is over!!!
Wednesday: Purple
Known as "Hump Day": Seeming longer than any other day of the week, like a "hump"/ hill to get over.
Thursday: Blue
Thursday is the day that brings us closer to the weekend, and according to mood rings, blue is the colour of being in the "ultimate mood".
Friday: Green
Friday!!! Time to relax among our green surroundings, and enjoy the weekend. 
It starts here!
Saturday: Black
We tend to party harder this day, and spill stuff that we don't want seen. What's better than black?! 
Sunday: Yellow
Like being "tarnished" from the rest of the week, and the "day of rest".

So there ya have it...
If nothing else, I hope this has amused you.
Pleasant journeys through the Times of Colours you may choose to engage in!!!
Your Freaky Little Sista!!!
Chris S. (*@^@*)

1 comment:

  1. This is great. Totally Love reading your writings xoxoxo
