Friday, September 16, 2011

Poetry - Ode to Dr. Pepper

Ode to Dr. Pepper

Here I sit waiting for a bus
Achy & tired, I close my eyes.
Wanting to enter the Land of Dreams & Mares.
Knowing I can not, I open my eyes.
And I see a Dr. Pepper, waiting for me.
To me, a melody!

Poetry - Ode to the Moon

Ode to the Moon

How beautiful you are, as you bring night to my door.
I want to watch you, dance with you, and tan under your glowing light.
For me to join you, I eagerly wait once more!
As You are the eternal portal, to a world in which I belong.
One of shimmering comfort, to ease our souls.
In which I will enter forever, and not leave... like before.

Poetry - Ode to Immortality

Ode to Immortality

I have only known you through legends & myths.
Endlessly I have longed for you to be by my side.
Time continues all around us, to remind me of impending death.
And although I do not fear Death, I want it's visit with me prolonged.
Life has so much to offer... "so much to do, so little time".
So many ideas; I know time will run out before I'm through.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Poetry - Violet Skies Through Violet Eyes

I "wrote" this today in tribute to my favourite colour...
Royal Purple... most call this colour violet...
To send my LOVE to those that not only appreciate the colour violet, but also the moon.
This is NOT my "Ode to the Moon"...
that my darlings, will come soon.
Violet Skies Through Violet Eyes

Violet were the skies that day
Encouraging me to come out and play,
Fading in and out of dark and light,
Straight through the day and into the night,
Clouds engulfing tinges of blue,
Like the skies that I once knew.

Where are you moon,
Hoping I will see you soon.
For there you shall remain,
Until the time has come again.
Waiting for the sun to say good night,
So you may shine your glorious light.
To stop hiding among the violet skies,
And help us to open our eyes,
To the truths, and NOT the lies.
So here's to LOVE LOVE LOVE... & Spreading it like honey!!!
Wild Wicked Wishes!!!
Mortisha Manson/ C.E.S. (*@^@*)

Theory - Daily Colours


    I have been doing this for a VERY LONG time, and over the years many have been curious and asked questions.
Here's my answers to the most asked:

The WHYs?
~ Why do it?

   To enhance my day
   It's according to candle burning. When you burn the candle colour of the day, it is   supposed to enhance/ help to make your day better.
~ Why each day has a colour designated.
   To keep track of which day in the week!
  I just incorporated it into my the clothes that I wear each day instead - saves huge on the cost of candles. 
~ Which colour for which day & Why?
    Here's where it gets tricky.
It wasn't always easy to remember, until I came up with a way of explaining why:
Monday: White
White, like a virgin. This starts the week.
Tuesday: Red
Red, for Love. You LOVE the fact that Monday is over!!!
Wednesday: Purple
Known as "Hump Day": Seeming longer than any other day of the week, like a "hump"/ hill to get over.
Thursday: Blue
Thursday is the day that brings us closer to the weekend, and according to mood rings, blue is the colour of being in the "ultimate mood".
Friday: Green
Friday!!! Time to relax among our green surroundings, and enjoy the weekend. 
It starts here!
Saturday: Black
We tend to party harder this day, and spill stuff that we don't want seen. What's better than black?! 
Sunday: Yellow
Like being "tarnished" from the rest of the week, and the "day of rest".

So there ya have it...
If nothing else, I hope this has amused you.
Pleasant journeys through the Times of Colours you may choose to engage in!!!
Your Freaky Little Sista!!!
Chris S. (*@^@*)

Poetry - The Forsaken Toys Within (FTW)

This is one of my favourites! (^&^)

The Forsaken Toys Within (FTW)

 As a young girl she felt like a toy; forever to be played by the ignorant, and loved by those she let embrace her. Traveling from tomb to tomb, until she finds one of hers; wrapped in death and deformation. She will not let it fall again, to the reaches of "normality". It will be faithful to the truths within the filth & deceptions of those who would sweetly suffocate with sly tongues and innocence in their appeal.

 She will remain it's guide in the worlds between worlds, and realms of agony. Together they fly triumphantly free of any dependencies. Together they are immortal, as their ancestors were once believed to be. And as the bodies lay about the lands of greed, hatred breeds among the survivors.
Once alone, all things have needs and miss those that would be forgotten in a bottle. From times wing span flies the faithful, to conquer Chaos in a moment's breath. Realization can come quickly, like the blood of a slit throat - is it too late?

 The majestic ones live in love, but are rare to discover before the truly evil. Sweetly paired with foresight lies the life of the past; and we may still sleep. Dragon scales keep thy slumber safe; but rarity is here, as extinction nears the back entrance. Shadows must protect us from the sad spawns of civility, and cloud out it's degradation of 'guilt tours'.

 Journeys into unknown pleasures of self are known to be trap-laden, and must be approached with caution. Love in itself is life's ultimate adventure, to believe is like sighting faeries - is it a mirage of wishes in a pond? The fish are quite nice, if you know the right line. Like a colossal door to the cosmic theatre, the players are freshly picked for acrobats of theory & plasmic attraction.

 The fingers point with sights of perception at those who will be fooled. For the fools will be drained of conscience, as windows cry of their plight. Plagues of the world will unite, and the blind will fall in pools of their own kind.

 Leagues may come as justice rains, to release the wiggling masses! Peace will claim the land; but Chaos will forever lurk in corners, to misguide the willing. As time continues foreshadowing our world, progress may be eminent. Let us not falter in our ways; as truth will be forever lost in failures, without the sight of our path. [0616061145PMishC.E.S.]
Until next time...
Having fun with words!
Chris S./ C.E.S. (*@^@*)


Poetry - Ode To The Lonely Hearted

This is a poem, like many, written spontaneously.
   To taste love and lose it, they say, is worth the experience. For having a love that truly returns the affections and admiration you have for them is a beautiful thing. To achieve such warmth that lasts "until death do you part" is a reality that few seem to experience. For these few it seems so easy, while for others it seems so unreachable.
   The fabled "soul mate" seems to be on the other side of the world for most. Some sacrifice too much, even themselves; as if they feel they must settle for less than what they truly want. Others dwell in the realm of loneliness, permitting the overwhelming pain of sadness to become their life. Just to discover that they may never be happy, even when Love is at their door.
   Sleepless nights, sexual abstinence, and lacking trust in one's own feelings result. One must know that they are truly loved for who they are!!!
More Information: Love
Until next time...
Spreading the LOVE!
Chris S./ C.E.S. (*@^@*)

Please Be Strong For Me

   This was a dream I had when I was on my last day of recovery (from surgery); in the hospital in London a few years ago. I caught myself saying/singing this as I was waking up, and thankfully actually remembered the dream. I wrote it out right then and there, so as not to lose it. However some "holes" were present from the details, so I have written it out in story form. It could be a movie/ video/ song...
The words I was saying/singing as I awoke:
'Help me up baby, please be strong for me'
The dream:
Hold me up baby, please be strong for me
Scene starts:
   Two girls (Let's call them Sam & Alex) are in a group of friends, they are the best of friends. They go to school in a "street kid" kind of neighborhood; with bickering, fighting, and attitudes gone awry scenes throughout. The old abandoned buildings with the local cafe, is where they all like to gather and hang out. But this part of the neighborhood, they should never have hung out in. For they were seen by an influential individual - a well known "big shot" movie producer. (Let's call him Steve).
   This movie producer (Steve) started to come by often to watch them. And noticed how they like to do skate-boarding tricks both on the ground, and off the roof tops of those old abandoned shops and cafe. He thought some tricks were pretty crazy, so he had no problems with asking them to do more.
   Then one day, Steve told them that if they could do those tricks on film without being nervous, then they could make some good money from the movie/ videos. And that he would be back with a film crew in a few weeks.
   For two weeks the kids were all excited, and practiced what they might do. They were all for it! Sam & Alex saw all the crazy tricks, and how "hyped-out" everyone was. And decided it wasn't for them, they would just watch.
   The day of test filming came, and so did Steve - with his crew. He had those kids doing all kinds of crazy jumps, tricks, and flips off of those roof tops!! At first everything was fine, but then he brought out a swing, and some other equipment. The tricks got riskier, and some minor injuries started occurring. Sam & Alex got worried, and tried to warn their friends when the commotion of the day was over. But their friends just laughed, and carried on with their plans.
   As film day finally came, so did the heaviest rainy day this neighborhood ever saw. It made everything not just wet & slippery, but some things were down right slimy! As Sam and Alex sat on the nearby steps watching, they couldn't stop thinking of the possible fatal accidents that could happen. It was like an unstoppable dream being imposed upon them. They knew their friends wouldn't listen even now as some fatalities began to happen. Rendering the feelings of a broken heart and helplessness. And Sam said "Sprained wrists, ankles, and tail bones are the least of their worries now."
   Next was a fractured arm, a couple of broken legs, and a back/ tailbone problem; which sent them all to the hospital. But it was the sudden death of a girl, that startled them all! It was like a slow motion scene in the movies. Sam & Alex watched as a girl dressed in a yellow & black leopard-print leotard, miss the trick she was attempting. She landed head-first, into the concrete below.
   At first nobody really knew if she was okay or not.  Then one of them approached her body, and checked for consciousness and a pulse. Alex was so shocked that while trying to stand, she slipped on a slimy step and almost knocked the wind out of herself. As she tried to stand up again, she cried to Sam over the loss of their friend. And she said "Help me up baby, please be strong for me."
~ The End ~
The possible song/ or parts of... :
Title: "Help me up baby" or
"Please be strong for me" 
(or any partial of either)
I remember the day it all started,
a sunny day filled with promise.
He told you he had all the answers,
for the questions you hide.

Didn't we try to warn you,
holding back our tears.
Help me up baby,
please be strong for me.

Then the dreaded day came,
it was raining so hard.
Your chances in his hands.

Many started to faulter,
with shaking limbs.

You did it anyway!
You did it anyway!

Didn't we try to warn you,
holding back our tears.
Help me up baby,
please be strong for me.

Now that you are gone,
never to return to us.
We cry openly,
and we say...

Didn't we try to warn you,
holding back our tears.
Help me up baby,
please be strong for me.

Help me up baby,
please be strong for me.
Until the next time...
Pleasant journeys!
Chris S./ C.E.S. (*@^@*)

The Name Game - Part 2

   These were thought up of at different times during the course of 1 life-time thus far. These are different words that have been mixed together, and thought of by myself along "Life's Paths", and I am sure there will be more as the years progress. These could be used as part of, or whole titles for songs/ bands/ band albums/ band souvenirs: t-shirts, hoodies, underwear, etc... Otherwise, if you would like to use one, feel free to talk to me about it. Thankz
Please DO feel free to add yours here if you like, as I so do love that about Wikipedia!
Originally entered into a book album: Not in alphabetic order:
1. Pictures of How to Live
2. Burning Heretics of Tranquility
3. Euphoria Until the End of the World
4. Headhunting Spiritual Reality
5. LNDP 3 - The Last Kiss
6. Hidden Sabbaths
7. Ten Sabbath Tons
8. Black Roses from Wegzu Mir
9. Intro. to Destiny
10. Janie's Palais
11. Know Your Palais
12. The Midian Forest Whispers My Name
13. All Disintegrated
14. Always Purple
15. Bed Haze
16. Flowers for Wendy
17. High Dance
18. Pictures of Bloodflowers
19. Plastic Promise
20. Wish Flowers
21. Golden Years of Uncle Arthur
22. Nature Boy's Lesson
23. Panic in Detroit - It's Ziggy Stardust
24. Peter is Home at Last
25. Hwy Star Fire
26. Machinehead Strangers
27. Space Truckin' Countdown
28. The Black Night Drifter
29. Dreaming Enough
30. The Black Night Drifter
31. Walking in a Darkened Room
32. 101 Worldly Blue Mondays
33. All Knuckles
34. Old School Wood
35. DJ Dan's Infected Mushroom
36. Anything Imaginary
37. Bring Me Over
38. 1989 Thrills
39. Illusions 3 Zappa
40. Beautiful Day Tripper
41. My Lover's Mouth
42. True Live
43. Jane's Addiction to Veruca Salt
44. Blazing Nightcrawler
45. Battle Jawbreaker
46. Changes to Genocide
47. Hellion Meltdown
48. Hell Plains
49. Retribution Leftovers
50. Get Alright
51. Drunk Sodomy
52. Enter the Black
53. Illusions 4 Metallica
54. Justice Tolls
55. The Show Begins (A.K.A. Fade to Puppets)
56. Man Panic
57. Drag the Bridge
58. Crazy Trouble
59. Tales of Daughter
60. C'mon Billy, to the Jet Plane!
61. The Dancer Down by the Water
62. It's a Beautiful Day to be the Hero
63. Lightning Happy
64. I Think Bronze
65. Regular Infinity
66. Queen Bitch Will Kill You
67. Rock Sedated
68. Don G.G.F.
69. Friggin' Way!
70. Morning Collection
71. Corpses Stay
72. Love Shine
73. Sands Play
74. Stone Waterfall
75. Daydream of Innocence
76. Hello, Farewell, Goodbye
77. Melon Collie Butterfly Wings
78.. Tales of Crying Mercury
79. The Sacred Zero
80. Aerials Peephole
81. Bring Your Own Temper (B.Y.O.T.)
82. Beacon Vida
83. Beacon Bouree
84. 13 Down
85. Bad Agony
86. Burnt Predator
87. Coma Spirit
88. Drunk Water
89. Misinterpretation of Europa
90. Untitled Blood
91. Come on Right
92. Anthem of Strata
93. Arena For the Pain
94. Kingdom of The Witches Dance
95. Bloody Pervert
96. A Bloody Story
97. A Bloody Story 2: This Halloween: Cemetery
98. A Bloody Story 3: This Halloween: Free the Weed
99. A Bloody Suicide

100. Alien Plane
101. A Whiter Shade in My Dreams
102. A Wizard's Tale
103. Absolutley Unknown
104. Angry Trip
105. Chemical Rammstein
106. Fairyland Girl
107. Ambush Trouble
108. Baby's Welfunk
109. Blue Trooper
110. Bonecracker Hell
111. Breaking Hills
112. Cemetery Gates of Toxicity
113. God Save You
114. Cinnamon Me
115. Cries of Change
116. Dammit Magic
117. Dillanger Escapes Rancid
118. Don't Bring Light
119. Don't Lie Sweet Insomnia
120. Schism Zombie
121. Gentle Zombies
122. Garden Angel
123. Good Fortune Sales In
124. Hallows Shimmy
125. Haunted Hazard
126. Haunted Wizard
127. Her Dark Angel on Hallow's Eve
128. I Am the Chosen Negative Creep
129. David Fudge
130. In My Dreams The Chosen Ones Come
131. Iron Magic Wizard
132. Little Sister Ecstacy
133. Manic Donavon
134. Justice Down
135. Mississippi Widow
136. A Touch of Ghouls
137. Mother Tempest
138. My Friend of a Psycho Holiday
139. Sacrifice You
140. Nameless X
141. Permanence Society
142. Bootleg Swindle
143. Pink Canned Heat
144. Pro. Chemical Rebels
145. Pinhead Riggin'
146. Junk Mushroom
147. Rolling Brains
148. Rotten, Vicious, Rancid Punk!
149. Sex Retro: Good Dog
150. Shadows in the Wall
151. Smack to the Wizard
152. Spit Home
153. Straight to Punk
154. Strange Dirty Women
155. Strange Megalomania
156. The Desperate Kingdom of Milk
157. The Wizard Witch
158. Tragic Hero of Genesis
159. Unemployable Back
160. Superstar Schmerz 4
161. Little Sister Voodoo
162. White Room Memories &
163. Who's Next to be Comfortably Numb?
Catch part 1
Until the next time...
Pleasant journeys!
Chris S./ C.E.S. (*@^@*)

The Name Game - Part 1

   These were thought up of at different times during the course of 1 life-time thus far. They have been said/ thought of by myself and many others along Life's "path of friendships", and I am sure there will be plenty more as the years progress.
   These are different words that have been mixed together through good times, and possibly by accident. We have all agreed over time; that these could be used as part of, or whole titles for songs/ bands/ band albums/ band souvenirs: t-shirts, hoodies, underwear, etc...
And so this list was born... I am sure this list could be much bigger by now, but not all was "recorded". Please DO feel free to add yours here if you like, as I so do love that about Wikipedia!
Trying to go alphabetic...
Originally entered into a book (082803547AMishC.E.S.)
1. '3rd Encounter of a Close Kind' (111903835PMishC.E.S.)
2. 'A bunch of loose ones in my pocket' (OR: 'A Bunch of Loose Ones' / 'In My Pocket') (011605230PMishC.E.S.)
3. 'A love so beautiful, that the rainbows of fire shine through his eyes like an aura that only the special or priviledged can see.' (082806433AMishC.E.S.)
4. 'Annazon' (040704930PMishC.E.S.)
5. 'Apartment of Horrors - wall mice included free of charge.' (051101230PMishC.E.S.)
6. 'Assholes 'R' Us (Rent a Hoover)' (0830051050PMishC.E.S.)
7. 'Ass Inspector - Get your assessments here!' (0208041040PMishC.E.S.)
8. 'Butt-crack Annoyance Alarm' (Inspired by Sir Sheldon... The III) (041605150PMishC.E.S.)
9. C.E.S. ["Cannabis Experts Society"] - In honor of Kid (0720ish05630PMishKID)
10. 'Chicken Cookie' (0311011040PMishC.E.S.)
11. "Cock Tales" - In honor of Dan Gavin & 'Pussy Trails' (0828062PMishC.E.S.)
12. "Crap O Lear" (030804230PMishUNKNOWN)
13. 'Disco UFO' (0403016PMish C.E.S.)
14. 'F.P.B.S.' [Freshly Packed Bowl Syndrome] (010505136AMishC.E.S.)
15. "Fuck Off's not his name!" - In honor of Katie Graham (0529012AMish)
16. 'General Oozing' (1020031PMishC.E.S.)
17. "Gonaherpasyphyllaids" - In honor of Lindsay Jones (073103115PMish)
18. 'Hash Dropping' (0403016PMishC.E.S.)
19. 'Loser Lips Lip Gloss' (030410430PMishC.E.S.) (most recent addition here - society me truth...)
20. 'Mary Doe (A.K.A. Mary Dope)' (052404430PMishC.E.S.)
21. 'Mr. Unexpert' (010904243AMishC.E.S.)
22. "Nasty Ass Tea" - In honor of Skuff (030804230PMish)
23. "Numb Skulls & Nudity" - In honor of Lindsay Jones (120303920AMish)
24. 'Peace Yogurt' (0112051220AMishC.E.S.)
25. 'Rock 'N' Roll Zipper' (073103115PMishC.E.S.)
26. "Something Sticky" - In honor of Christina Clark & Dan Gavin (082806433AMish)
27. 'Snorebagging It' (030804230PMishC.E.S.)
28. 'Stuck on Purrrrrrrr' (082806433AMishC.E.S.)
29. 'Stuffed Peni' (082806433AMishC.E.S.)
30. ' The Closet is Empty' (0116052PMishC.E.S.)
31. ' The Attic is Empty' - Inspired by Loraine; a landlady friend of Lindsay Jones (0520052PMishC.E.S.)
32. " Vitamin X " - In honor of Skuff (052404430PMish)
33. ' Well Trained Orgy ' (0403016PMishC.E.S.)
34. ' World Series! 2 Salads, No Dressing ' (0311011040PMishC.E.S.)(what was added on may 24? - society me truth...)
35. To be continued from my Ha Ha funny book - seperate topic ("Full Sentence Game"
More Information: Part 2
Until the next time...
Pleasant journeys!
Chris S./ C.E.S. (*@^@*)